Saturday, January 10, 2015

Ballad of The Slave

I miss you, Dear holy Azza wa Jalla
Although my body is not in Texas, but how can I somehow feel as if my heart belongs there?
Texas, the Lonestar State...

I miss him, my one piece of mind puzzle that I believe(well... sort of) can complete me more once I be together with. And I look throughout the window, the galaxy of Milky Way the constellation of Andromeda, widely spread before my eyes, the mighty strength of the Black Hole swallow my conscience away.

And I feel flat, yet so empty. Took a deep breath and eventually, bit by bit, I force myself to hear the sound. The breeze of the wind blow my hair wipe my skin and I can feel its vitality. No, you're not cold enough for me. You're just... breezing. I listen to the song of the singing frogs; the quackling of the careless duckling from the pond. No, you're not noisy, honey....You're just happy.

Threw my perspective ahead, I witness the tragic epic of Romeo. Right after he drank the mighty poison, and thus it was just bump...

and thus I see love

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