Sunday, March 01, 2015


Is there anything more beautiful and yet at the same time, so sorrowful as sadness and bitterness that come to life? I hate being sad, but when I force myself not to, it just feels numb and I feel empty.

Today when Uda came home, he told me about this boy named Madi who is bullied by his friends when they are playing football together with the Indonesians.

I'm fed up with all the stories of children who lives in the environment just like Madi, and I hate it because all I can do is just praying for them that they would never be touched by any more violence worse.

Now that I live longer, there is not much more I can do than to embrace the sadness that comes... and be strong and hold my head up high, that somehow this life is beautiful... through its bitter and sweet times.

I pray that I'd always face the kindness of the heart of life.