Monday, March 11, 2024

Lika-liku makanan dunia Harry Potter!

Halo, Mahs! Dalam Tantangan Blogging Mamah Gajah Ngeblog kali ini, saya ingin membahas tentang bagaimana makanan di dunia penyihir ciptaan JK Rowling ini, menggambarkan isu yang lebih besar di dunia penyihir. Mungkin bukan hal yang baru yaa... tapi, yuk kita mulai saja.

Koki Masakan Hogwarts

Kalau melihat bagaimana festive-nya setiap jam makan di Hogwarts berlangsung, terutama pada acara-acara pestanya, wah, seru sekali, ya.

Masakannya sungguh mewah dan penuh gizi! Ada ayam panggang, kentang bakar, treacle tart,  sosis goreng, pie daging... Pokoknya untuk mencukupi kebutuhan gizi dan selera makan para penyihir muda dan guru di dalamnya, lebih dari cukup, deh. 

Masakan langsung tersedia di meja makan begitu waktu yang ditentukan tiba. Konsumennya tinggal hap saja, hingga mereka kenyang.

Namun, bagaimana, ya, masakan di Hogwarts bisa tersaji dengan demikian delicate-nya?

Ternyata, semua tugas rumah tangga bagian memasak, dikerjakan oleh satuan petugas bernama Peri Rumah Hogwarts. 

Peri rumah sendiri adalah makhluk dengan kekuatan sihir yang besar (bahkan terkadang lebih besar dari penyihir) namun mereka diperbudak untuk melayani Tuan yang memanggil Peri Rumah sebagai Peri Rumah mereka. Maka, Peri Rumah Hogwarts, diperbudak oleh Hogwarts.

Peri rumah seringkali diperlakukan dengan sangat kejam. Contohnya, Dobby dan Kreacher, yang merupakan budak di rumah keluarga penyihir Malfoy dan Black. Jika mereka melakukan kesalahan dan ketahuan, mereka harus menyetrika jari-jari mereka sendiri.

Untuk setiap suapan ayam panggang, kentang, dan es krim yang lezat yang masuk ke mulut mereka, para penghuni Hogwarts mempekerjakan Peri Rumah dari pagi hingga petang. 

Contoh pesta besar di Hogwarts dengan hidangannya yang megah, sumber gambar dari Pinterest

Ada satu aspek lagi yang menarik, yaitu hubungan antara Peri Rumah dan kaum penyihir. Konon, sepertinya ada dua kubu penyihir di dunia Harry Potter, yaitu sebut saja kelompok A dan kelompok B. Kelompok A, amat mementingkan hierarki kekuatan penyihir dalam dunia sihir, dan menganggap bahwa penyihir adalah makhluk terkuat di muka bumi. Maka ada yang berpendapat bahwa seakan-akan mereka dari Kelompok A ini menganggap semua makhluk lain itu di bawah penyihir, mulai dari goblin ( yang notabene penjaga harta penyihir di Bank Sihir seperti Gringotts) , Peri Rumah, demi-animaux ( makhluk setengah manusia setengah hewan seperti centaurus dan manusia serigala), dan juga kaum non-penyihir seperti muggle.

Kelompok B terkesan lebih egaliter dan bersahabat dengan muggle. Mungkin bisa dibilang, mereka adalah kelompok yang mempertahankan supaya tidak ada usaha dari penyihir untuk menguasai dunia muggle. 

Patung Magic is Might di Kementrian Sihir saat Kelompok A berkuasa. Tampak bahwa elemen penyihir (paling puncak), di bawahnya ada makhluk-makhluk selain penyihir. Sumber gambar: Harry Potter Wiki Fandom 

Coklat Kodok

Di dunia Muggle, yaitu dunia manusia biasa, coklat banyak diolah sebagai makanan tipe comfort food. Konon, coklat punya khasiat menyehatkan sekaligus merilekskan jika dibuat dalam nuansa dessert

Ternyata di dunia penyihir pun demikian... 

Di dunia sihir, ada makhluk bernama Dementor. Terlalu dekat dengan Dementor akan bisa membuat seseorang terkena depresi berat.

Bagaimana salah satu solusinya apabila ingin menyembuhkan trauma bertemu Dementor? Ya, makanlah coklat kodok, coklat cemilan anak-anak dunia sihir.

Disebut coklat kodok karena bentuknya kodok. Uniknya, coklatnya bisa meloncat ke mana-mana seperti kodok betulan. Di dalam bungkusnya ada kartu yang ada foto penyihir-penyihir terkenal yang juga bisa bergerak-gerak.

Ternyata coklat kodok 'sudah sampai' di Indonesia juga, lho, hahaha.

Coklat kodok yang dijual di Trans Studio Mall, Bandung

Sherbet Lemon

Sherbet lemon adalah permen asal Inggris dengan rasa lemon yang di dalamnya ada perisa bersoda. Ternyata Albus Dumbledore, kepala sekolah Hogwarts saat Harry bersekolah di Hogwarts, adalah penyuka permen ini. Untuk masuk ke kantor Dumbledore, password-nya adalah sherbet lemon!

Permen sherbet lemon, sumber gambar dari SoSweet

Sherbet lemon ternyata pada awalnya adalah obat yang dilapisi rasa lemon, berbentuk permen supaya mensugesti lebih enak saat dikonsumsi. Ternyata orang-orang menyukainya sehingga timbul ide untuk menjadikannya kudapan permen. 

Nah, menarik juga bukan, sekelumit cerita tentang makanan di dunia Harry Potter? Dari makanannya, ternyata ada secercah kekayaan budaya dan detail yang dipikirkan dengan nuansa yang luas ya... kudos, once more, to JK Rowling!

Saturday, October 17, 2020


 Why, you who have this shady, sky blue, magnificent eyes...

You have that charisma, and persistence, and what a talent,

That you have to put all that background afloat for everyone to see

While you alone, are simply enough?

Lost for words, 

It's me who crumble... 

To see you fall even deeper

Friday, May 10, 2019

Once When He Told Me

Once when he told me that it was a sad song,
a sad story,
a sad history...

I can't help but to keep singing it

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The White Sun

Never has it occur to my mind that someone would categorize my writing as 'suspense', or somewhere near that. When I asked one years ago, this writer told me that what I had in them were casually, mistakes amateur writers has taken over and over again: less detailed,wrong reasoning, incomprehensible logic... nevertheless I keep writing this blog, which I feel fun, and considering that Stephen King himself said that as a writer, one should write minimum 6000 sentences a day, well... even as amateur writer I still have this lack of exercise.

Seeing the pond in the side of Jardin du Luxembourg yesterday, my mind flew towards the scene in the movie Love Actually, where the character Colin Firth had to help his maid recollecting the blown away copies of his manuscript. The scene also has the pond. It has the same color with the one I saw yesterday, the water.

Both of us, if I could humbly say myself as one, too--- we are writers. The writers who shared the once same scenery they find themselves in.  Same color of water... And so did Virginia Woolf as what had been depicted by Nicole Kidman in The Hours; she finally drowned herself in that serene flowing, dark green water.

It's funny how different Monet saw the water, I think. He painted  all in black at first, maybe, as the shade of the water in the background of those water lilies also feels like deep greyish underneath the upper layers. I've seen somebody painting some polar bears in realistic features; first he covered all the bears in black, before then patiently, drew and layered them with their furs that were caressed one by one by his hand and brush . People will say that the bears look like they've been photographed before, while it was not. This technique has been applied before by Leonardo da Vinci,for example when he painted Monalisa. Turns out that it could give such a depth of shadows and real-impression.

There was a time, though,before that someone commented on my writing and said that it was suspense-like.

I was seventeen, oh well, yeah, almost. I found myself seated in this room, more than 12000 km away from my home in Bandung. This room was almost empty, and slightly small. There were only a table and a couch, but the girls with whom I spend my next 3 weeks in this teenage camp, loves to throw at least 3 of themselves on the couch, while giggling, sipping tea, and having snacks. On the table, sometimes one put some books there, their evening meals, their after laundry clothes... this room is just a small room and each floor in this dormitory has it. If we go outside it, we can see corridors and rows of bedrooms. My roommate was Hiroko, a sweet Japanese girl who took my photograph in mukena, of course she asked politely to do so.

But this time, beside me was Mbak Mudhi, a reporter from a girl magazine from Indonesia in charge to report the ongoing of this summer-3-weeks-camp that is meant to introduce us to the so-called United States' common culture and tradition, before then the Exchange Program Committee will be sending us to fly to each of our host families. Me, I was scheduled to spend one year with this family in Oklahoma.

"So, for you, you will still hold those Indonesian values with you, right?" Mbak Mudhi asked me. I find she was observant, like how journalists should be, and that time, I was hesitated to answer. I tried to smile and be relaxed, as Mbak Mudhi was I thought to be a charming friend and even with such a comforting friend, I was still this awkward girl in every situation.

"Well..." I just vaguely nodded.

If only I could explain what had been going on my mind properly. All this culture things, and new places! I was so desperately excited and curious to explore. I remembered my conversation with fellow mate from Indonesia, Ratna,aboard the plane when we get there and okay... I admit it was far from the topic about society and cultural interest, as we chat about first-grade high school physics topics. Now I say what that girl, the 16-year-old-me, was trying to do; to make a statement: she simply loves science.

What she didn't realize that time: she thought that science is the core of all culture. Science advancement will give birth to a new culture and society, it will tear down what it thinks obsolete, and it will categorize. When will it be exhausted?

...That time  when she was barely 17, nope, it didn't feel that science was exhausted.

And that time, the 16-year old girl  also have not thought about the bigger pictures that she could potentially think.

August 3rd, 2006

The date was approximate. It was a nice, crisp summer in Olympia when we arrived. The Seattle-Tacoma International Airport was smaller than what I thought. The windows were tall as I remembered it, and the next thing I knew when stepped out of the plane was a corridor, slightly long, before then some circular automatic reels greeted us, delivering eventually our bagpacks, suitcases, and things we brought from Indonesia. As for me, I only needed two of large suitcases and a backpack.

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Saat Hari Itu Datang

Aku akan mengamini
Di Stockholm,

Dan akan kusemai padang bunga
Yang coraknya membentuk pita selamat datang

Tanda persahabatan

Kepada para sahabat, teman, kenalan, bekas, dan bakal anak panah
menghunus ke dada

Saat hari itu datang

Dunia akan tersenyum lembut

Pesta itu akan digelar  santun
Tanpa anggur
Yang ada hanyalah

Musikku, alunan piano lembut dan


yang mendayu