He was, and is until now, a beautiful man in a suit and a case of golf stick in the corner of a room. She made a mannequin after him, that stood still under
a shade of a cherry tree...somewhere inside Parc du Sceau. She wished she really could.
She just wanted to talk to him, to share what she felt towards the face of the world. The universe, Papa, is so big... the little version of she, while holding her komodo-shaped stuffed animal, trying to play-spoilt on his knee, as she that time, has but still a small figure.
Get off me you little piece of shit!
It was his comment, I am having a fight with your mother here, and I am hitting her hard, slap slap slap inside her mind!
... Not a very good start for a morning for such a little girl with big curiosity, but alas, what else could she do?
About twenty years later, finally she could grip it together and held her chin up high, and serenely, asked the beautiful man,
What is your most beautiful thing in the entire world?
And he said that she was, and would always is.
But he also said that he felt sad as she seems to not really care about it.
... Not a very happy start for a morning for the grown up girl.. a morning should be vitality and all energy!
Well Pap, the universe has excited me even more, said our girl, whose stuffed animal has turned into an alienware.
Et quelle beau, que j'en pourrais parler avec toi, ce matin :)